Friday, July 15, 2016

"Damn Yanks"

By kiki

Funny how people post stuff on the internet without knowing or checking out their facts.

In a Facebook boxing page, somebody asked the question about what boxers are or were native American Indian. Some guy, and from of all places, South Africa, named most of the Mexican-American fighters of the recent past, including my son Tony, as been part Indian. He got pissed when I told him we were not Indian, he told me that Tony's mother Connie was from a tribe in Utah, this was before he knew I was Tony's old man. When I told him that I was Tony's dad, he told me I was been rude and in his words: "you are a typical yank, everything is centered around you" Damn Yanks!!!...By the way, neither Connie nor I have ever been in Utah. I'm sure that I and maybe Connie to have some kind of Mexican Indian blood in us, but neither of us is classified as "Indian or Native-American"

"Damn Yanks"

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