Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Greg Goossen . . .

By Rick Farris

I know people always say this when somebody dies, but it really could be true . . .
If there is a bar in heaven, Greg is currently holding court with the likes of Don Drysdale (an old friend), as well as Mickey Mantle and the Babe.
I tipped a few with Greg back in the 80's, but I couldn't keep up, and I certainly didn't try.
I was closest with Joe Goossen, but actually had more fun with Greg, who was one baseball player who could really fight.

I remember one Sunday morning around 1987. Joe had invited me to join he and Greg who were going to drive their only two amateurs, 16-year-old Gabriel Ruelas and his 15-year-old brother, Rafael, to an amateur fight card in Ventura. I agreed to meet them at the family's boxing gym, which at the time was located in the backyard of Greg's North Hollywood home. When I pull up to the house I see Joe sitting in his car in front of the house, with the two boxers waiting in the back seat. I park and walk up to the car and Joe invites me to take a seat in the back with Gabe & Rafa. A few minutes later Greg emerges from the house and takes a seat next to Joe. Greg looked like he had the worst hangover in history. He was unshaven, his voice gravely, "Let's get a move on!" he barks.

When we get to the Ventura Fairgrounds, we park and enter the building where the boxing was to take place.
Of course, all of the amateur boxing officials are walking around in their white shirts and pants, their noses in the air for some reason.
"I hate these bastards," Greg said. He then looked at the two fighters and reminded them, "You guys fight like pros and these guys don't like that. You have to knock out your opponents or they will score against you."

The place was crowded and we were looking for the dressing area. Greg approaches one of the officials in a white uniform, "Hey pal, where is the fighter's dressing room?"
The official looked at Greg, scruffy and obviously hung over. He rolled his eyes and with a disapproving look he answered, "You mean the 'boxers' dressing room, we don't have fighters here."
Greg began to laugh and said, "Well I have two fighters here, and if their opponents today can't fight, they're going to get knocked out!"
The official looked horrified, and Joe and I started to laugh.

A little later in the afternoon, both Gabe and Rafael Ruelas scored first round knockouts.

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