Saturday, May 16, 2009


By Roger Esty

It's no secret. Fighters,especially if they're on top,have a following. Sugar Ray had the entourage. Ali had the Bundinis. Los Campeones Latinos had everyone South Of The Border that wanted to buy them a drink. Sure if you're around the champ,then that makes you a little tougher.To be a man you have to be tough even if you have to walk along side the Champ.

But how tough does the Champ feel? During the build up he tells the world to watch their ass,but that's to kick up the kitty. In private. Around everyday people,they're like everyone else. Did you know that guy over there is the Champ? Couldn't tell.

I've been around some fighters. Maybe they weren't all Champs,but they were tough. I don't think they asked themselves that question. I mean you're stepping into the ring. Tough comes into the ring with you or you wind up teaching physical education in middle school.

I don't think I ever had a conversation with a fighter who talked about how tough he was. Oh,I've heard them talk about the guys they fought and what tough son of a bitches they were,but their own toughness? Naw.

You've heard the stories. The drunk in the bar who feels he's got enough liquid courage in him to ask a fighter to step outside. And you know the outcome. That's why a fighters' hands are registered as weapons.

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