Friday, May 15, 2009


By Roger Esty

Moyer called me up and asked if I'd have lunch with him. He was working at Goodyear's a few blocks from the Coliseum. I said I'd be over around noon time. I'd been out drinking with him and Pat Vetere the night before. All I knew was I was glad I didn't have to go to work the next day.

Denny was scrubbing his hands and toweling them off when I walked in.
"Rog,you want to go across the street and eat Mexican food?"
Goodyear's was a couple of blocks west of the Coliseum where Moyer was to fight in a week.
"I wouldn't have asked you to come down,but I left my lunch pail in my locker at the Coliseum. I was feeling so good last night I forgot about it."

We walked across the street and found an empty booth by the window. Ofelia,the waitreess, came over. She was wearing a skirt that was too short for her age,but wasn't a bit shy about revealing what she had left.
"Hola Deeny. Como estas baby?"
Moyer grinned up at her. He was still good looking despite what the ring had taken away from him.
"Pretty good senorita."
They both laughed. Denny didn't pick up the menu.
"I'll have the Rancho Grande Special with 3 rolled tacos on the side and a bottle of beer."
"What kind of beer honey?"
"The one with the most booze in it",answered the Irishman.
I put down my menu.
"Just give me the 3 rolled tacos and a Coke."
Ofelia walked to the kitchen. She moved her hips to show us she still could make us pay attention.

"How you feel after last night?"I asked him.
"I've got a head,but the food should square me away."
"What's Sid got to say?"
"Haven't talked to him in a week."

Ofelia came over with the food. She set two big plates in front of Denny and put a basket with the rolled tacos in front of me.
"I come back boys with the drinks",said Ofelia.
Again she walked that walk. We both looked as she walked to the counter.

"Rog,I wish I liked fighting today like I like drinking."
"Why don't you slow down with it?"
"Why stop now? I don't have it anymore anyways."
Denny started to chomp away at an enchilada. The food on his dish was spilling over the sides.
"You know Rog you think I'd have put enough away to not be fighting anymore."
Ofelia came over with the beer and the Coke.
"Deeny baby. I watch you fight Friday. You win for me ?"
"Sure bonita. I got enough left in me to beat this guy."
Ofelia was very happy to hear him say that.
"After I win,I take you out dancing."
"Oh Deeny baby you are my macho man."
Another customer walked in. Ofelia went to his table.

"Rog. How in the hell was I gonna' stop drinkin' when I took my dough and opened a bar?I must have bought everyone in the world a drink. Are the Irish dumb,or not? Now I have to bust tires to pay my rent."
I didn't answer. I looked at his face. The baby face was gone. He was still good looking,but the scar tissue and the broken veins in his nose told his age. He couldn't fool anyone anymore.

We finished eating. Denny washed down his food with the remainder of his beer.

After eating, Moyer looked at me in the eye.
"Rog,I must have left my wallet in my lunch pail. Pick up the check."

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